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Massimo is a consultancy specializing in the Consumer Goods sector with a global vision of the customer experience. Our work ranges from supply chain and financial management to product commercial strategy, reconciling operations, market behavior and financial results. We also act in the implementation and management of changes, in addition to auditing and certification for the high value-added retail segment.


We were born from a joint venture between the Leggio Group, which brings together business units with a high level of specialization in their segments, and the French consultancy Diagma, with more than 50 years of experience and deep knowledge of the retail market. Through this partnership, Massimo incorporates the experience of large projects carried out by Diagma in different regions of the world and the experience in the planning and management of logistics chains, inherited from the Leggio Group.



We have an end-to-end view of retail to offer solutions that deliver agility to product lines with high added value. We align management processes in the supply chain, defining the necessary means, such as competencies, distribution networks and technology.


 Massimo's main objective is to maximize the efficiency of the entire retail process, integrating everything from production and the logistics chain, through omnichannel to marketing and sales. To achieve this result, we rely on the technical excellence of a highly qualified team, formed in the best universities in the world, and who deeply understand the particularities of the Brazilian and Latin American markets.

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